They are just....MAJESTIC!

Chris and I visited the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN on July 11th. They had 3 Eagles at the center: 2 Bald Eagles and 1 Golden Eagle. We attended a demonstration/lecture about the eagles. I must say that I really didn't know...
This is Donald.. He is a Golden Eagle.
You can't see it much in this picture, but if you look at the back of his neck there is a goldish color, hence, Golden Eagle.. We got to observe some feeding time... He LOVES mice. It was "cute" to watch him maintaining eye contact with the dish that had 4 dead mice in it.. Every time the instructor moved the container, Donald's eye did not waiver from that dish.. He wanted those mice!

Did you know...
Did you know that LEAD (even a size of a PIN HEAD) will kill a raptor or even a condor? Originally the Eagles were placed on the endangered species list stemmed from pesticides being used. Once those specific kinds of pesticides were banned, the numbers of Eagles grew so they were taken off the endangered species list. Now, we have another problem..LEAD:
- These are found in pellets/shells from when you are deer hunting, etc..
- These are also found in your fishing tackle box.
Even if you don't leave any lead around, by using something with lead in it, you catch a fish, it swallows it, you release the fish back into the water... Later an eagle captures that same fish you just released, it "eats" that fish. That lead eaten by the fish is now inside the eagle. This piece of lead is very toxic. It doesn't matter if the piece of lead is the size of a pin head or the size of a bullet, it is toxic.I have a special request for you outdoor men/women... please look at your equipment..think of alternatives to use that would still give you the result you need but still protect our National Treasures.
NOTE: Click on the heading to go to the National Eagle Center website for more information.. Thank you.